Grade 5


Mrs. McCarthy  “I have been teaching at the Rosa Parks School since it first opened.  My passion is in Social Studies and the Arts. I truly believe that in a classroom a student should feel comfortable and safe. Students are natural born leaders.  At school they should practice their skills as leaders with their teacher there for support and nurturing. The more we teach them about the world around them, the more aware and proactive they will be as leaders of tomorrow.”

Ms. Doris

“I am thrilled to be teaching fifth grade leaders this year and cannot wait to see how they take on different challenges. I love project-based learning, connecting all of our lessons to the real world around us, and having fun while learning something new. I am excited about all the adventures that await us this year!”

Mrs. Thompson

“My philosophy of Education is that every child should be given the best opportunity to learn. Throughout my years as an educator, I endeavored to motivate and encourage my students to develop themselves. I found that my students learned best when provided with individualized attention to meet their specific needs. I considered it an imperative to understand and know each student so that I could provide them with the necessary learning skills that will transform them from a passive recipient to an active participant in the learning process.”

Mrs. Gonzalez



I am proud to join the PS254 community.  As an educator, I believe that all children have a right to learn.  I think that teachers play an important role in molding a child's present and future.  Learning should be interactive, student-centered, fun and challenging.  I want to build up my students and help them achieve their future goals and inspire them to become lifelong learners.